Essential Copywriting For Your Website: Writing That I Think Goes a Long Way

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Writing for your website shouldn’t feel overwhelming. At the heart of what we do is a commitment to serving our clients thoughtfully and with ease, ensuring every step of the experience feels accessible and clear. That’s why I’ve broken down the most essential copy you need to focus on—keeping it simple, human, and focused on making your visitors feel understood and supported. Let’s walk through the four key pieces of website copy that will truly connect with your audience.

1. A Warm & Welcoming About Section

I know, talking about ourselves can feel a little awkward, but here’s the thing: your About page is often the second most visited page on your website. It’s not just about telling your story—it’s about being in service to your visitors, offering them a glimpse of who you are and why you care. They’re here to know if they can trust you, if you’ll understand their needs, and if you’re the right person to help them.

Your About section should feel like a conversation with a friend—warm, inviting, and centered around how you’re here to serve. Show up as the human behind the business and let them know they’re in good hands.

2. Clear & Concise Homepage Hero Copy

First impressions matter, and your homepage hero copy is where it all begins. Let’s make it easy for your visitors to understand who you are and what you offer—without them having to work for it. Clear, concise, and instantly captivating. Your hero copy should be focused on guiding them through your site with ease, answering the question they’re asking: “Is this what I’ve been looking for?”

When we simplify and clarify, we’re making their experience smoother, so they can connect with your message right away. After all, we want them to stay, not leave because they couldn’t figure out what you’re all about.

3. A Newsletter or Welcome Gift Invite

Want to keep the connection going beyond their first visit? Offer them something meaningful—a Welcome Gift that feels thoughtful and valuable. It’s not just about getting their email—it’s about making them feel cared for right from the start. This is where you get to show them that you’re here to serve, with no strings attached, offering something that will make their life easier or more enjoyable.

A robust email list of people who feel truly seen and supported will always be more valuable than a social media follower count. Your email list allows you to build a deeper relationship, staying in service and keeping the lines of communication open in a way that feels personal and accessible.

4. Service & Offer Descriptions That Focus on the Transformation

When we talk about your services or offers, it’s not just about listing what you do—it’s about focusing on the transformation you provide. Your clients want to know how you can make their lives easier, better, and more successful. By speaking directly to their needs and offering clear, thoughtful solutions, you’re showing them that you’ve got their back.

Craft descriptions that don’t just explain the service, but also show your understanding of their experience. Paint the picture of what life could look like after working with you, and emphasize how choosing you is a step toward making their lives smoother and more supported.

Need Help With Your Writing?

I get it—writing for your own business can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to. If you want to create copy that feels like a true reflection of your brand while keeping things easy and thoughtful for your audience, consider booking a Design Day. We’ll work together to craft content that’s authentic, accessible, and in complete service to your clients. By the end, you’ll walk away with polished, ready-to-use copy that truly connects.


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