Here’s why I Have a Resource Page on my Website

When you're busy building your digital home and serving your community, it helps to have the right tools and resources in one place. That’s why having a well-curated resource page can make all the difference—saving you time and offering your existing and future clients support right when they need it.

1– An Expression of Service

This page is an expression of service. Even if someone isn’t a client yet, I believe in offering support, value, and guidance to anyone who needs it. I see it as a way to show up for you, whether you're just starting to create your own online community or you're looking for fresh inspiration to level up your digital presence. We’re all in this journey of serving others, and this is my way of serving you.

2– A Way to Get to Know Me

It’s also a window into how I work and what matters most to me. I want the experience of visiting my site to feel more like having a relaxed coffee chat than a formal “how-to.” As coaches, creatives, and service providers, we all know the importance of connection, and I want you to get a sense of my values and approach through the resources I share. My hope is that you not only find practical value but also feel seen and supported in the process.

3– Answering my Clients’ Most-Asked Questions

One of the reasons I created this resource page is because many of these tools answer the most common questions I get. Instead of searching through countless blog posts or email threads, everything you need is in one place. This way, whether you're a current client or just someone passing through, you have access to answers that can help you make progress quickly.

4– It’s Great for SEO, Too!

And yes, it’s great for SEO! The more value I pack into my site (strategically, of course), the more likely it is that the right people — those looking for the unique support and services I offer — can find me. It’s the perfect blend of providing authentic value to my community while also making it easier for new clients and collaborators to discover me.

Let’s Build Your Resource Page Together

If the idea of compiling all this information feels overwhelming, you don’t have to do it alone. You can schedule a morning or afternoon deep dive with me, and we’ll do the work together. From visioning and decision-making to layout, copy, and links, we can knock it out in just a few hours. By the end, you’ll be ready to go out there and add even more value to your community.

If you’re curious, take a moment to explore my Resource Page here. It’s designed to be a helpful and supportive space for you as you build and grow your own digital community.


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