Service-focused Social Media– A Deeply Relieving Plan for Basically all of us.

Tired of performing for the algorithm? Here’s your permission slip to stop chasing trends and start creating content that actually connects and serves—no strings attached.

I took back my marketing from the algorithm, and you can, too.

If you’ve ever felt exhausted trying to keep up with social media trends, wondering if you’re doing enough (or doing it right)—take a deep breath. You’re not alone. And guess what? You’re doing better than you think.

We’re all so sick of the performative side of social media. The endless pressure to keep up with the latest TikTok trend or create that “viral” reel that everyone tells you is the magic key to success. It’s draining. And honestly, it doesn’t feel like you’re connecting with real people. Just numbers and algorithms. It’s no wonder it’s exhausting.

But here’s the great news: you can choose to step out of that game. Yup, no more chasing trends, no more stressing about whether you’re doing it “right.”

Enter: Service-Based Content Creation.

This approach is simple, genuine, and way more fun. It’s about bringing what you’re best at to the people who really need you. When you focus on creating value and connection—without worrying about the outcome—you’re going to feel so much more aligned. And yes, connection leads to sales too. But here’s the magic: it only works if your heart is in the right place, giving without expecting anything in return.

Think of it this way: create content that is saveable and shareable.
Why? Because when someone saves your content, it’s a sign that you’ve offered something truly valuable—something they don’t want to forget. And when they share it, they’re saying, “This is helpful, and you need it too.” That’s the kind of real connection we’re after.

So how do you actually do this?

It’s a mindset shift. You let go of GET (What can I get?) and PERFORMANCE (What should I be doing?) Energy. Instead, imagine you’re speaking to that one person who really needs your help.

Ask yourself:
“What would be SO helpful for my client to know about the thing I can help them with?”

And to get even more specific, ask your brain to work on this:

“What would be so valuable that my client would want to save it for later? What would make it so good that they’d share it with someone in their circle?”
When you start thinking from a place of service, the answer usually comes to you. Unless… you’re unclear on what you offer or who you serve. And if that’s the case, we might need to solve a different problem first, and that’s okay.

This small shift changes everything. Suddenly, it’s not about you. It’s about them. And if you find yourself stuck in frustration, fear, or perfectionism, remind yourself: you’re here to help, to connect, and to offer value. (Pro tip: take a deep breath and remember why you started in the first place.)

And here’s even better news:
It doesn’t matter as much what your content looks like when it comes from this kind of energy. Unless aesthetics are a personal passion (like they are for me—because I adore beautiful design), you really don’t need to stress about that part. Just try it, and see how it feels. You might even find it’s a huge weight off your shoulders.

One last tip:

To make a lasting impact, show up with this service energy consistently. It doesn’t have to be every day (seriously, who has time for that?), but a regular rhythm will help build those relationships. I’ve signed clients from a single post created in this service energy—people I’ve never met, who just started following me. So yes, it’s possible to make a huge impact with one thoughtful post. But for our businesses to truly thrive, we need to keep showing up, giving value, and building those connections over time.

So here’s your permission slip: stop chasing the algorithm. Stop worrying about creating content just for the sake of it. You’ve got everything you need to connect with the people who need what you offer. Let’s get back to service. When you focus on true connection and value, you’re not just winning—you’re helping everyone around you win, too.


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