How to stop Instagram fatigue.

Being constantly on your phone can be super exhausting, but when you’re growing a new community you might want your page to be robust. Here’s how you do it without exhausting yourself.


I don’t know about you but being on my phone all waking day is exhausting. I prefer my content to give me energy AND give me money / growth so here’s the plan I follow–

  • Batch content on your computer, not your phone

  • Have a list on your phone (or in a notebook) for content ideas

  • Have a custom library of photos at the ready for you to use in your content

  • Share in-the-moment content on stories, not the grid

  • No mindless time spent scrolling

  • Captivating content creation, not filler content

  • Each post has a call to action, an invitation or some kind of engagement

  • Use a posting software that also allows you to manage comments from it, like Planoly or Later

  • Create a template for information design so that all information-based sharing looks nice

  • SET A TIME ON + TIME OFF FOR YOUR PHONE– don’t just keep the app open and let yourself surf whenever. THAT is exhausting.

This is the best change I’ve made around content creation this year. I batch in 3 steps. I sit down to design my content for each week (or month or quarter) and then once I’ve created the schedule and all post titles / subject matter, then I let it be. I come back the following day to write and create (all day). And then I get all the content teed up for publishing on Instagram + Buffer the next day.

Ideate —> Create —> Schedule —> Repeat Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly

To keep random ideas from escaping me, I have a note in the Notes App on my phone and even create draft posts in my blog folder. So, when I go to create content I have so many amazing ideas right at my fingertips!

Having photos that you LOVE that feel connected to all the things you love writing is immensely helpful in keeping your creative spirits up. They also set you apart from the rest of instagramland. You also won’t spend hours searching ‘for just the right photo'.’

In the moment content can be on stories
The grid is like your website- it should be curated in a thoughtful way to support sales and brand awareness. Maybe try being more conversational / engaging on stories, where it’s more casual and 1-on-1 conversations.

Create the good stuff, not the filler fluff. Create and share content with value. You’ll feel great about it and so will your community.

Don’t get caught up in graphic design that takes WAY too long, unless of course you really want to and what you create is effective and efficient. Set up a template (or a few) in Canva and use them to create info-graphics for insta!

What’s Push Publish?

Push Publish is a 12-week coaching program designed to help you get your creative content (writing and visuals) out in the world–your BLOG, NEWSLETTER + INSTAGRAM.

Do you want to spend time writing content and creating value? Then Push Publish is for you.

It will be AMAZING.

We begin on January 18. Join me.



Reframing social media.


Would you trade 50,000 followers for freedom?