Would you trade 50,000 followers for freedom?

I recently shut down an instagram with 50,000 followers. My new account doesn’t even have 5,000. And I’m certain I will be very successful.


On Tuesday of this week, 2 historic moments took place– the Georgia runoff elections began, leading to the election of the first Black Senator from the state of Georgia AND the flipping of the senate to Democrats. My heart is full of hope, because of the sustained action of so many people of color (mainly Black women) who created this change.

On Tuesday, something else happened–far more personal to me. I closed my instagram account with 50,000 followers. And I felt immense freedom.

Now- I am in no way comparing these moments in gravity. My instagram account is no where near as important as what Georgia voters and canvassers showed us this week.

But, I do want to share that there will be milestones, personal and professional, public and private that require courage, action and resilience.

You might have a moment like this in your own life. Don’t diminish it’s value by comparing it away.

Maybe finally hiring your first coach will feel like a monumental achievement.

Maybe it’ll be saying NO for the first time, and feeling what it feels like to do so.

It might be standing up to your boss, or your spouse, or your followers.

That’s what I did.

And I am immensely proud of myself. I spent 8 years building something amazing, something that has left me in debt.

And I’m letting that be ok. Not just ok, but amazing.

I don’t feel the need to squeeze anything else out of this situation. What I want is my new life.

And you might want that, too.

So, leave the relationship (and the furniture). Leave the job (and the potential 401k benefits that you’d get from staying). Leave the business, and maybe even give it away–like I’m doing.

Leave whatever is not serving you.

Don’t let your brain tell you it’s loss. No, friend, it’s freedom.

What’s Push Publish?

It’s a 12-week creative coaching program– to help you vision and execute a project that’s dear to you. That could be a new home office design. Or a coaching program. Or even an overhaul of your wardrobe. It’s any project that is meaningful to you, and that you might do well having structure and support around.

It will be AMAZING.

We begin on January 18. Join me.



How to stop Instagram fatigue.


In the age of Instagram, don't forget to write.