In the age of Instagram, don't forget to write.

Your dream clients are looking for more than just a photo of you or a quote– they’re looking for solutions.


I used to feel so much frustration–with myself– that I was only posting on Instagram but there was no actual writing going on.

No newsletters. No blogging.

Just single posts on the grid with not much interaction and no call to action.

I was frustrated for a few reasons–

  • I really wanted to write, but I wasn’t

  • I really wanted there to be a place for my dream clients to land that could help them find relief and support

  • I wasn’t drawing as many clients my way or selling as many packages as I wanted and I knew that Instagram was not the answer

Yet, I kept doing this. Why?

Well, here’s a few reasons–

  • I was ‘too busy’ to write

  • I ‘didn’t know’ what to talk about

  • I had no offer to send people to that I felt confident about

So, the cycle continued. I continued to NOT push publish and clients continued to NOT push purchase.

And then, one day, I got sick of my own bullshit. I remember I was sitting in my brother’s kitchen in Chicago, where I’m sitting now, actually. And I had so much clarity about what I do and who I’m here to serve and so I rebuilt my website in just a few days, and I’ve been pushing publish ever since.

That was in July, just over 6 months ago.

How did I gain such clarity?

Well, it was a few things–

  • I processed A LOT of pent-up emotions that had been building for years

  • I began to really like myself and love what I had to say

  • I cared less of what everyone would think of me and just about those who I am here to serve

If you know my story, you’ll know that I had been caring very deeply about what EVERYONE thought of me because I had a 50,000 person audience on my business instagram. I had to draw very diverse groups and people to my events to support my also-diverse vendors and so I became very good at knowing EVERYONE. It served me at Cleveland Flea. It delivered my customers the results they were looking for.

But it also turned me into someone who had to be relevant to too many people. So when I shifted back into coaching at the beginning of 2020, I sort of didn’t know who I was actually serving. I had served a different role for so many types of people that I wasn’t sure who to pick–

  • Was I Cleveland’s cheerleader?

  • Was I someone who studied the small business economy?

  • Was I someone who helped those be brave when they were scared?

  • Was I the person who helped people tap into their true creativity?

  • Was I the white woman who would help others break their own ingrained biased thinking?

  • Or the anti-capitalist?

  • Was I the woman who knew how to start markets?

  • Or the woman who stood up against men in power?

The truth is, I have been all of these people. I am this person. But it’s also not who I wanted to be going forward.

Certainly, I have many years worth of experience as a trailblazing, high-energy, dream-building machine. But I was ready for a change.

The woman who I want to be is–

  • An Aunt to 2 sweet boys

  • A creative person

  • A woman looking for love

  • A writer who helps others have the courage to share their own truths

  • A traveler and explorer

  • A reader

  • A coach for other coaches

  • A co-builder of creative dreams

And so, once I accepted this new version of me (back in July) I was able to build the business I had always wanted and the one that will truly bring me more money and more time to enjoy my life than I’ve ever known.


Writing is easy. And fun.

It’s effective at drawing in my dream clients and showing them just how I can help them.

You don’t have to know everything to begin, you just have to know that there’s something out there waiting for you.


What’s Push Publish?

It’s a 12-week creative coaching program– to help you vision and execute a project that’s dear to you. That could be a new home office design. Or a coaching program. Or even an overhaul of your wardrobe. It’s any project that is meaningful to you, and that you might do well having structure and support around.

It will be AMAZING.

We begin on January 18. Join me.



Would you trade 50,000 followers for freedom?


The case for rest.