Reframing social media.

More than ever, social media seems like an evil. But it’s just a tool. All tools can be used for good, or evil. Reframing it so you can do good will help you get back in and Push Publish to bring value to the world.

I stopped using Facebook a few years ago. It was too toxic for me.

Even my personal instagram had become private– I had a stalker I was protecting myself from who created a copycat account of mine and who thought when he posted he was communicating with me (and vice versa).

I have been sort of cancelled on both Facebook and Instagram. I say sort of because though I’m on the right side, I still say things in the wrong way sometimes. In other words, I’m human.

Tone can be missing from social, just like it can from texting.

People assume they know how you’re feeling when you post, but that’s actually an impossibility.

It just seems like a minefield right now, and it has many people wondering if social media and marketing is even worth it.

I have decided to reframe my own social media this year, so that I can tap into the good. So I can grow and know more about the world. So I can further my own business goals. And so I can feel, well, social.

The pandemic has put even more pressure on our online interactions, because for many of us it’s the only way we’re making money and connecting with other humans.

And with recent events like the storming of the capitol we can see very clearly how social media can cause violence and harm.

Words matter. We know this.

We get in fights with loved ones, most times in kitchens and bedrooms and living rooms. I think that we accept that those quarrels will happen, but when they happen for all to see, it really can ratchet up the feelings to an almost unbearable level– and there’s going to be evidence that will last forever.

So, is it worth it to be on social media?

I think it is, but I’m setting some rules around it for my own wellbeing and the wellbeing of my business.

Here’s what that looks like–

  • I will allow myself to read (and then delete) comments that only are there to make me feel shame

  • I will bring my own opinion after I’ve written and edited it at least 24 hours apart

  • I will imagine all the loving people out there that WANT to be in conversation with me, not the naysayers who just don’t like me or the trolls that inevitably land on the accounts of people they want to bully

  • I will block people and not feel any sort of way about it

  • I will not head over to anyone else’s space to bring negativity to them publicly

  • If I want to have a serious discussion, I will move it to DM’s unless the explicit nature of the post was to facilitate difficult conversation

  • I will create meaningful and valuable content for my dreamiest dream clients

  • I will share the joys (and sometimes the sorrows) of my personal life– when it makes sense

  • I will mostly be sharing on my own blog and newsletter and then supporting the marketing of that content via social

  • I will limit my time spent on social, so using platforms like Later, Planoly or Buffer help so much

  • I will learn from every post

  • I will love myself, no matter what

I want my social media to be a place where I find more creativity and positivity and truth and connection and love and tough love and support and inspiration. So that is what I will bring, too.

What’s Push Publish?

Push Publish is a 12-week coaching program designed to help you get your creative content (writing and visuals) out in the world–your BLOG, NEWSLETTER + INSTAGRAM.

Do you want to spend time writing content and creating value? Then Push Publish is for you.

It will be AMAZING.

We begin on January 18. Join me.



Knitting together sales goals and creative work.


How to stop Instagram fatigue.