Content Uplevel– from Show-Up-And-Shoot to a Planned Shoot

There’s a big difference (in what you get) between photo shoots that have been planned and those that are just show up and shoot.


Intentional results require intentional planning.

Sounds simple, I think it can be hard for us to manage the emotions that come along with planning. We must choose patience when we want to hurry. We must choose focus when we want to distract ourselves. We must do the work and NOT publish when all we want to do is get something up on instagram or the blog or the website.


So, here’s some insight into 2 types of content creation with 2 types of results.


You’ve seen the instagram– it’s nearly like the same photo with just a little bit of variation interspersed with grids of text.

And it’s pretty boring for a viewer, if I’m being honest.

When you do quick-shoot content (1-hour or less shoots), you typically end up with about 30 versions of the same photo. Why? Well, because in the moment creativity is sort of exhausting. And time isn’t on your side. So you and your photographer just take different angles or poses or looks.

Now, this is not meant to be a dig on that type of content creation. It’s TOTALLY FINE but you should be creating content from the results you want. That is the only way we know good content from bad content– it gets you the results you’re looking for.

But most of the show-up-and-shoot content will end up serving the same purpose, because the photos all look about the same. There is no actual variety.

That’s not very helpful if you’re someone who is selling ideas and solutions (a coach). You need Conceptual Content– content and photography that teaches and conveys concepts / teaching AND shows the world that you’re a living example of your teachings.

THAT takes planning.


These photos were all taken in 2 days– in a planned shoot that we spent about 10 hours planning. Meg can talk about SO MANY THINGS in SO MANY WAYS using photos like this. This is just about 5% of what we did for her, and what it’s done for her personally is even more amazing than what it’s done for her business. She can totally see her work in these photos. She can see her creative and bravery and her ways of thinking and being in the world. She can remember what she was thinking and what she wants YOU to know.

And the best part– because it’s an image that she had a hand in creating, it’s a very authentic experience for her viewers.

They BELIEVE what she’s saying, not because her copy is amazing (actually it is) but because her copy is so connected to the visual that it feels like a story that’s being told or a conversation your’e having or a movie you’re watching. The visuals match the words. That feels amazing to a viewer. They don’t have to try too hard to see what you’re getting at. They’re in the story already.

THAT is magical. And THAT is because we planned it.

I want you to have the content you need to get the results you want. That’s why I created Push Publish. We’ll be planning out your strategy for 12 weeks. So when you’re ready to push publish- we’ll have baked your results in with the content creation.

It will be AMAZING.

We begin on January 18. Join me.



The case for rest.


From good to great.