From good to great.

You can have a good life, but what about a great life? You can have a good business, but what about a great one?


You could have a good website, but why not create a GREAT one?

You could have a good idea, but why not develop a GREAT one?

You could use good photos on your Instagram or website, but why not use GREAT ones?

You get the picture.

There’s a lot of help out there to get you to a level of ‘good.’ From coaches who’ve been in business 1 year to free or low-cost programs, to podcasts and newsletters and freebies.

There’s a lot LESS work out there that helps you go from good / okay to GREAT.

The reason?

Most people aren’t able to do the thought work that will allow them to invest in great.

They’re ok spending $99, or even $599.

And so they’ll continue to have $99 results– that are good or just ok. The problem with that is that you can’t change the world or change your own life with good.

It’s not enough.

Want to know why I know this?

You won’t leave the job.

Or the marriage.

You will squeak by making just the amount you need to not go broke, but you won’t make MORE than you need, in order to live that life you actually want.

The life and business you want is a GREAT one.

It requires you to be GREAT to it right now, to give it great amounts of time and money and energy. Not just the bare minimum.

During Push Publish, your brain will learn how to lean into GREAT and stop accepting good.



Content Uplevel– from Show-Up-And-Shoot to a Planned Shoot


It took me 20 years to tell my doctor I wasn't ok– why?