Crispy, lemony chickpeas with feta– my Winter '20/'21 lunch staple.


Early into Quarantine I began to panic about a lot of things– and food ceased to be an escape and transformed into a luxury. I became aware of just how I’d been using food to numb my emotions, and in doing so lessening its importance in my life.

I no longer run home to guzzle a glass of wine to calm my nerves and snack on what’s nearest instead of contemplating how I can enjoy our time together– me and food, that is.

I stopped drinking on December 4th. And from that time to now, I’ve lost 15 pounds. I don’t know where it’s gone– I don’t feel that I look any different and I wasn’t even trying to lose weight.

I don’t snack uncontrollably anymore. I drink so much water that my skin is glowing.

And it is all easy because it is what my body has been asking for for years.

It feels like a miracle.

But what I know to be true is that I’ve begun the process of creating a loving relationship with my body. And the wealth of creativity that has come along with that grounds me. I find myself taking time to plan meals. I don’t shovel food into my mouth. I am ok being hungry as I wait for something more special to be done.

I don’t need to be entertained by my food, instead I’m simply delighted that we have each other.

Here’s a recipe I created once my relationship to food was a bit less fraught and I became comfortable wanting my nourishment to also be beautiful and special and thoughtful– far from the strict meal plans I’d been on trying to lose my quarantine 20.

Doing it this way has meant that I’ve lost 15 of those 20 I put on as I processed trauma and soothed myself with ice cream and pizza.

I still have ice cream and pizza– but we celebrate together instead of commiserate.

I’m so grateful for how 2020 ripped away all of my protective layers and habits. I’ve got myself back, and it means everything.

Crispy Chickpeas with Garlic, Lemon + Feta

1 can of chickpeas, rinsed

Olive Oil

Garlic, minced

Lemon zest, fresh


Salt + Pepper

Pan-fry chickpeas with olive oil in a skillet until your desired crispiness. Add garlic + salt until garlic is soft and not yet burned. In your bowl, mix chickpeas, lemon zest (however much you want), feta (however much you want) and add salt + pepper to taste.

Lunch is served.



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