Something magical happens in your brain when you think different thoughts.


Thoughts are there to control your emotions– so your emotions must be on board with your new direction or you won’t ever get there.

This is wild, but it’s true. And it makes sense.

Our brains are wired to put us into action to remain safe.

Our thoughts create emotions that keep us in action. Stop our motion. Narrow our focus. Expand our horizon. Lead us into battle, or away from it.

Thoughts create emotions.

E-motions put us into motion.

So, when you’re looking to go somewhere and you’re not there yet (ie making the money you want, having the body you want, doing the work you want) your brain is standing in your way.

But how do you even know this or stop this???

You take uncomfortable action toward that goal (spending money, spending time, announcing to friends and family, etc) and you see what your brain tells you.

You can also IMAGINE this instead of doing it.

Go ahead.

Close your eyes. Imagine announcing on social media that you’re quitting your stable job to pursue your photography career. Or your desire to be a coach. Or you’re selling your home and going out on the road.

What happens to your heart rate?

What is your body feeling in that moment?

Most likely it’ll be exhilaration– a mixture of fear and excitement.

That’s how you know you’re on the right track.

Of course your brain is going to try and stop you. It is scared for you!

It truly believes that you are in danger.

So, when it’s totally committed to that, it’s not going to let you get into motion toward that perceived danger.

You MUST create a bevy of thoughts that are on the excited side of things– think of it like a seesaw. More of your thoughts have to be on one side to help that side “win”.

If you do a pros + cons list, make sure your pros list is A LOT bigger than the cons.

Your brain WILL follow you into ‘battle’ if you have enough emotion leading you there.

That’s what I’ll be teaching inside Push Publish. I’d love for you to join today.

winter 2021 creative coaching


Creativity is healing.


Why I'm scared to make money– and what I'm doing about it.