If you never get to posting, try this instead.


“"I never know what to say."

"But I just never get around to publishing content."

"I just don't like social media."

These are just 3 of the many objections I get to clients not wanting to share content–but the thing is that if we're not talking and sharing (somehow) then how is our dream client going to know that we're for them? Here’s how I approach this as both a coach AND a consultant.

I have this theory that if you actually had:

  • content you + your dream clients LOVED (photos + words)

  • a plan that directly linked that content to money for you

that you would post more.

It’s sort of as simple as that.

Most of my clients do not like social media and marketing because they do not have content that accurately represents who they are and who they’re for AND they’re doing it randomly and not linking it to a sales plan.

We can fix that.

Let me tell you why I think that this theory is correct–

Because my clients totally transform after we solve for this.

Good content:

  • is specific and unique to YOU (so no stock imagery here)

  • elicits specific thoughts from your dream clients (like, “oh I need that!” etc)

  • reminds you with just that one look how you can open the flood gates and write in an authentic voice because it’s directly related to your teachings / philosophies

If your content (brand / photos / words) are not doing that, then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to make marketing easy and effective and fun and valuable for you and your clients.


I’hosting a workshop to plan the first 3 months of your 2021–and I want you to join. I think that planning ahead is not only a really good thing to do but it will make you feel like a total boss on January first, because you will have already decided what’s important and how you’re going to spend your time.

I think a lot of people don’t stick to things because they don’t get used to the idea.

Spend 2 hours with me and have the main elements of your 2021 already decided–then you can ponder it further over the next 2 months, in prep for January.

Maybe you want to launch a business.

Or start a podcast.

Or a workout routine.

Or maybe you just want to practice being more confident.

Whatever it is, we use the same method for thinking and planning to wrap our minds around what it will take from you to achieve your goals.

THEN, you’ve got time to prep.

Want to know more? Jump on a call with me–I’d be happy to walk you through the workshop.

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Why it's hard to see, know, and sell yourself sometimes.


Build this first–your signature product.