Build this first–your signature product.


It’s what you want to be known for.

It’s what you’d do for free–if bills weren’t a thing.

It’s a thing you do that takes energy, but not so much that it depletes you or leaves you feeling like you’re not enjoying yourself.

It’s your Signature Product. And it’s what you should develop first when you start a new business.

Imagine doing the thing you’d LOVE to do.

Who is it for? Why do they love you? How does doing this work make you happy?

These are some of the questions we answer when talking about your Signature Product. As you might know, I help my clients develop 4 core products that all work together to deliver you a six figure business over time.

How much time? Well, it depends on how good you are at juggling all those business balls, making decisions and selling.

It depends on your confidence level and sometimes even the level of support you have at home.

It can also depend on what other stuff you have on your plate that might be stealing your energy–it takes energy to build a sustainable business but it doesn’t have to be ‘hard’. That’s a mindset.

If you can be strategic (using your time wisely) that makes business easier.

If you can reserve your energy and use it at the best times, that makes business easier.

If you have hella drive and nothing can stop you, that can make business easier.

If you have a coach who is helping you manage your mind and focus on the business of business, that makes business easier, too.

And one strategy that I bring to the table for all of my business coaching clients is the idea of the Signature Product.

It’s the product you care about most.

It’s not the least expensive,

But it’s not the most expensive.

It has a good profit margin–so that if you lost your job unexpectedly or decided to leave it, you’d be able to pay your bills. You might not live a lavish lifestyle, but you’d be ok.

That’s why you develop it first.

So, what do you need to know in order to develop this product?

  • How much money you ABSOLUTELY need to live on–your baseline expenses.

  • How many hours this product takes you to deliver (PS you can also just decide this if you don’t know)

  • What you would totally do for free if money wasn’t a thing–you enjoy it that much.

  • Comfort in talking about this product

  • Every detail about it and why it’s valuable to your dream clients

  • The market rate for something similar to this (though you don’t need to price it at or even near that)

  • The target client for this product

  • How many clients per month you’d ideally need if you were to leave or lose your job to make sure that all your bills were paid

  • What your dream customers say about this product (if you don’t have that info, you can decide that, too!

If you’re going to start a side hustle–start with this product. It’s the one that opens the door to so much business growth that you will be able to ease into entrepreneurship like an amazingly warm pool on the nicest summer day.


I’hosting a workshop to plan the first 3 months of your 2021–and I want you to join. I think that planning ahead is not only a really good thing to do but it will make you feel like a total boss on January first, because you will have already decided what’s important and how you’re going to spend your time.

I think a lot of people don’t stick to things because they don’t get used to the idea.

Spend 2 hours with me and have the main elements of your 2021 already decided–then you can ponder it further over the next 2 months, in prep for January.

Maybe you want to launch a business.

Or start a podcast.

Or a workout routine.

Or maybe you just want to practice being more confident.

Whatever it is, we use the same method for thinking and planning to wrap our minds around what it will take from you to achieve your goals.

THEN, you’ve got time to prep.

Want to know more? Jump on a call with me–I’d be happy to walk you through the workshop.

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If you never get to posting, try this instead.


My favorite pasta–made on the fire.