Why it's hard to see, know, and sell yourself sometimes.

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My specialty is helping my clients become unconfused about who they are and what they do.

You’d think that because we spend so much damn time with ourselves that we would know us better.

So, why don’t we?

I think one BIG reason is that we inhabit human bodies that look outward at the world, not back at ourselves. It’s simple, I know.

We, especially us women, have learned to see ourselves only as reflected by others–what they need from us, who we are to them, how we’re perfectly representing what they expect women to be.

It’s very confusing to our authentic sense of self.

And I get that.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way.

In order to see ourselves truly, we have to be willing to do so. We have to be willing to break from convention and be ourselves–no matter how socially damning that might be.

We can also find professionals (people like me) who specialize in getting to the heart and truth of things–by asking the right questions in the right settings.

My clients often tell me that I’ve discovered in them something they’ve been searching for for years. It’s not hard for me, because I have no vested interest in them being anything but who they are.

I don’t need them to be my mom or sister or partner or aunt or employee or daughter or anything.

I love learning about what’s most important to my clients so that I can help them build brands and businesses and make decisions in their lives that are authentic to them. Period.

So, if this sounds like you, schedule a call with me–I’d love to get to know your authentic self.


Transitioning to your new business identity.


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