Your brain isn't going to solve for a future you haven't committed to.


Think about trying to plan a trip to a place you haven’t chosen.

You wouldn’t know if you should drive or fly. Pack warm clothing or a bathing suit. Bring your passport or leave it at home.

I talk to a lot of people who are planning their futures this way- or delaying planning only because they haven’t made any decisions about what they want their future to be.

How much they want to make.

How they want to feel.

How many hours a day they want to work.

They approach me with confusion when really that’s just their brain revealing no choices have been made.
But how do you figure out what you want to do when you’re ‘so confused?’

You ask your heart OR you just make a decision so you can begin making plans.

Movement is preferable to stagnation- no matter where you’re headed. Because the truth is that you’ll at least discover something new rather than sit in the dark, never deciding anything.

Confusion is a thought.

It’s not a reality.

Your brain WANTS to solve something. Give it something to solve for.

Make a decision to take 1 step forward. You don’t have to know every step to packing before you pick your destination.

Pick the destination and then you’re brain will be able to get to work on solving it.

Here are some ideas of personal life destinations:

  • How you want to be treated

  • How you want to treat others

  • How you want to spend your time

  • How much money you want to make

  • How much time you want to work

  • Where you want to live

  • Who you want to marry

  • Who you want to divorce

  • Who you want to be known as in the world

  • What kind of clothes you want to wear

  • What you want your home / apartment to look like

I can guarantee you if you make a decision, your brain will begin to solve for it.



How and why I divorced my business.


My new routine.