My new routine.


I’m nearing the end of a few big transitions- from Holiday Shop back to the home office.

From a boss of 6 to the boss of me.

From a busy season to off-season.

From executing markets for a living to coaching, creating, consulting.

I have to admit, at first it felt like a breakup. I laid in bed too long, had nightmares about my decision, woke up to a different reality that I’d been working toward for 8 years.

But there is also some freedom in that. Less people depending on me. Time for me to consider what’s truly important for JUST ME.

And in doing so, I’ve had to develop a new routine. And I really like it. It works really well for me and helps me feel grounded in a time of extreme change.

  • I work mainly from home- though I will transition back to the office once it has more energy and people there

  • I go to bed early, and I read each night. I have so many books to get through it’s wild.

  • I wake up around 7:30 and spend some time caring for the animals, getting myself some coffee and doing some controlled breathing exercises. I would NOT call this meditation, though I want to begin that soon.

  • In the mornings I create and write. I start my day with what I love to do- the stuff that I’d put on the back burner for far too long.

  • By noon, I switch to business. I take meetings, calls, check my email, tackle my to-do list of things like buttoning up finances from 2019, handling customer service, organizing and sorting and planning and connecting with my accountant.

  • I end up working for about 40 minutes and then take a 10 min break, all day. It keeps up my energy and helps me re-focus when I lose it.

  • I actually stop working around 6pm and then focus on creating at home. I built a home office and have been working on some cool DIY projects to make my place feel more like the dreamy space I’ve always wanted. It’s taken time but I’ve really enjoyed having these personal projects to work on.

I’ve been allowing myself lots of time to think. Almost too much, but not too much. I say that because after a chaotic 8 years of having no time to myself (that’s my thought about it- but one that I totally bought into over the years) it almost gives me anxiety that I’ve been allowing my body and my heart to call the shots. There’s something more comfortable for me about other people’s demands, disappointments and desires propelling my work day. I’d say comfortable because it’s what I got used to. But it’s not what I enjoy.

So, getting used to a new way of living, even though it’s what I truly want, feels really scary and uncomfortable.

But a daily routine helps.

What’s yours?


Your brain isn't going to solve for a future you haven't committed to.


Piece of cake.