The larger scale promise of the Coaching Industry.

I wish more coaches would keep this in mind as they grow their businesses. (And as parents raise children. As humans enter the work force and start their own businesses and get into partnerships and find themselves in really good or really bad circumstances.)

But of course that is just my wish, and it doesn’t have to be any more valid than anyone else's, though in my world I make it really important.


At The Life Coach School, we learn the fundamentals of what Brooke Castillo calls The Model. Simplified, it’s the relationship between thoughts, emotional vibrations in our bodies (which are then translated to us into feelings), actions, and results.

We have a thought (whether it’s conscious or unconscious) and then we have a feeling that is created FROM THAT ONE THOUGHT, and then we make a decision about that feeling (typically unconsciously or autopilot or unchallenged) to take some sort of action– do we bear the emotion, try to get it out of our bodies in the most efficient way we believe is possible, do we attribute it to another human, do we make decisions about certain types of people who we would NOT be identified as?

Let me say that again, more succinctly:

We have a thought, then we have an emotion, and then we do something because of the emotion.

When this entire process is unconscious, which means that you do not take responsibility for your own thoughts and emotions, you will be creating havoc in the world and even for yourself.

When more and more people have these similar reactions because either it’s socially trendy or it’s justified then it becomes oppressive at a larger scale. It was always oppressive, just at a much less detectable scale. But as more people of different identities are brought together, it’s going to show up in a society as “othering” people and birthing sterotypes, racism, homophobia, etc.

So, this is where Life Coaching has huge promise to society, in my opinion.

If we reveal this connection and even bundle it together with “hey it’s not just good for other people it’s also going to be good for you,” then it has a potential chance to change things at scale.

If more humans operated with a value of being honest about their own thought-feeling-action process and taking accountability there, then I think our world would improve much faster and in a way that promotes sustainability and even generative growth.

That’s probably the top-tier reason I study coaching and believe in it and have made it a foundation of my own life and business.

If you want to learn the basic fundamentals of coaching, sign up for one call. If you want to study how they take shape in your own life, then sign up for 3 months of coaching.



Let’s work on becoming unshameable, together.


The Pick Me Girls of Coaching.


Becoming unshameable.