A great way to deal with #PandemicPanic


Pandemic Panic is taking a lot of forms:

  • scarcity about how people will pay their bills

  • running to the store to stock up on beans, pasta and booze

  • boredom

  • overthinking

  • worrying

and the thing is, it’s all warranted.

All feelings are valid. Do you know why? Because they exist.

But ACTING from Pandemic Panic (or panic in general) is not always helpful.

It puts you into a constant state of fight or flight. And that is exhausting AF.

Fight or Flight doesn’t allow you to rest or reset or calm the F down. It doesn’t let you think past the next moment, really. But the future will be here, and we will be here. And planning for better days is just fine (and necessary).

Many of us will have new careers built out of passion.

New lives built out of a more clear view of what’s important to us.

So, let’s start there, by defining what’s important, acknowledging our own stories of struggle and triumph and crafting a unique, kick-ass future.

Welcome to the Future You Program.

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