Why my programs work–and who they're for.

Lisa Quine–Hand lettering Expert. Before speaking to me she was wildly underestimating her earning potential. After 2 calls, she quit her job, launched her business full-time and ended the year making 6 figures.

Lisa Quine–Hand lettering Expert. Before speaking to me she was wildly underestimating her earning potential. After 2 calls, she quit her job, launched her business full-time and ended the year making 6 figures.

They’re smart.



But they find themselves confused about how to get to the next level.

However, as soon as I help them question their thinking they’re off to the races making the money they want, launching the businesses they want, living the lives they want.

Pretty damn quickly.


The thing is that MOST of my clients are wildly successful in at least one area of their life and that’s really what causes confusion.

It’s not hard to see what’s going on.

What has come naturally to them (big thinking, risk-taking, planning, execution) has made it seem like they never had a plan or method to begin with.


Naturally-successful people aren’t born being successful. They just possess 4 traits that get them success. They just were never aware they were doing it.

  1. They think BIG.

  2. They decide it’s worth it.

  3. They plan it out.

  4. And they make it happen.

That’s it.

You can apply this to ANY part of your life, you’re just not doing step 1 right, so the other steps don’t come naturally.

You’re thinking:

  • it shouldn’t be hard

  • it shouldn’t be scary

  • it should be easier

That’s it. When you have BIG vision and attach it to a compelling outcome, the rest will come much easier. And you might have to coach yourself through the initial step, but soon you’ll realize you had this super power all along.

But, like I said, you might need someone to help remind you from time to time that even though it doesn’t feel as natural as all your other successes, that NOTHING is wrong. This is just what it feels like to be more conscious of your decision-making than you normally have been.

My programs work because you already know how to work–you just forgot the method you use.

Because you fundamentally believe that you’re just thinking about things in a way that doesn’t create clarity.

All I do is help you see your thinking so that you can choose thought and feelings and actions that are in alignment with your results–whatever those results might be.


1-ON-1 CALLS | $299a 2-hour call to get you to massive clarity

1-ON-1 CALLS | $299

a 2-hour call to get you to massive clarity

COACHING FOUNDATIONS ONLINE CLASS | $197an online course that teaches you the fundamentals of ThoughtWork so you can coach your damn self. ;)


an online course that teaches you the fundamentals of ThoughtWork so you can coach your damn self. ;)


Overthinking and Underacting.


How to figure out what you want to do.