I remember when I spent my first $5000 on my business dreams.

I’d been pining for over a year for a program I believed would help me find clarity– and I was so in belief that I spent the last bit of money on had on this.


It was the middle of 2013– July to be exact.

I had about $1000 in my bank account.

I was living in my friend’s hostel free of charge in exchange for helping him with his brand, interior design and build projects.

I was borrowing a car from my parents.

I was 3 months into my first big startup– Cleveland Flea.

I had just begun to charge vendors for my event after running it for free for 3 months.

I had zero dollars in a business bank account (because it didn’t exist yet).

And what I wanted was to hire a team to give me clarity.

Their program was $5000.

I desperately wanted it. I knew it would change everything for me.

They also just happened to be offering a $500 in-person weekend event (in Oklahoma). I had enough to buy it.

I said YES to that. And I bought a ticket to Oklahoma City.

After the program (which luckily for me came with breakfast + lunch), my ticket and an Airbnb (just a room in a house) for 2 nights, I had $17 left to my name.

I spent the last money I had on my creative dreams.

And I’m so glad I did.

I became more committed than ever to the $5000 program.

And the following month, when I made my first $6000 (which was A LOT to me at the time), I spent $5000 on the program–immediately.

I was willing to spend $83% of all the money I had on a solution to my problems.

That is how much I believed in MYSELF.

That is how much I believed in the program working for me.

And you know what?

That year, I closed out 2013 generating $183,000 in my business– and I did that in the last 6 months of the year.

It’s not because of the program.

It’s because I allowed myself over and over to bet on myself– even when “I didn’t have the money.”

I never let that thought poison my dreams.

When you say to yourself, “I don’t have the money right now,” what do you think you’re saying to your creative dreams?

#1– Is it 100% true that you DO NOT have the money?

#2– How long will you let that stop you?

#3– the place you have to be mindset-wise to launch something that is still a dream to you will be uncomfortable. Otherwise you’d have already made it happen.

Learning to live through the discomfort is part of the work.

One of the best ways to do that is to spend money on your dreams, even when your brain tells you you “don’t have the money.”



It took me 20 years to tell my doctor I wasn't ok– why?


Creativity is healing.