One great coach vs. a bunch of low-cost programs.


The saying usually goes, “You get what you pay for,” and it’s (I think) mostly true. Sure, you might find a $500 bag at the thrift store but more than likely the effort you’ve put in to find that is months of constantly going and sifting through.

Nothing is wrong with that.

But don’t think that you only paid $12 for that $500 bag. You paid in both time AND money. Your bag found its way to you because you put in continual effort over months of searching, and there was no actual promise that you would find it. Also, did you really need it? Did you actually want it? Sometimes we find amazing deals and we take them because they’re amazing deals, but they don’t actually improve our life (or style).

However, you could have purchased it full price, gotten it in the mail in just a few days and enjoyed the experience of unboxing and customer service that goes along with purchasing from the source.

Again, it’s all about what you value.

For some things, I put more time than money into. I LOVE making things, so rather than hire out or buy from a big box store, I spend time learning how to do something, gathering tools and supplies, and then executing on design projects. It’s a lot of effort for me, but I enjoy (and make time for) that effort.

This way of approaching the stuff I buy (or make myself, or thrift with lots of effort) has lead me to a greater understanding of how to use money to make my life better and express my values.

I’m not looking for quick fixes anymore. I’m looking for solutions that work–no matter the cost.

Here’s my experience–

The stuff I love most is not necessarily the most expensive. But it is the stuff I’ve spent the most time researching. And it’s usually more expensive than what I could get at Target or on Amazon because it’s made by hand (or small-batch produced) with an ethical supply and manufacturing chain. Contributing in my own way to the success of businesses who are caring for environment and humans is worth paying extra (and even waiting weeks to get my goods). I cherish these items for years. When I wear or look at them I think of these people and my willingness to support them. I get a high return on these types of items.

Here’s how it relates to coaching–

One GREAT coach will most likely be more expensive than buying loads of low-cost coaching programs. One requires a lot more effort, and the other doesn’t, making the likelihood of you getting a return on that investment radically different. I’ll use one of my programs as an example. In my higher-cost programs (1-on-1 and Content Creation) my clients lives are transformed–kind of immediately. For instance, my client Meg texted this to me the other day:


She previously had been investing small chunks of money monthly into graphics–and they were cute and cool. But they weren’t want she WANTED. Often times, when she got them, she’d only use 1 or 2 of the 10 that she received monthly.

There were a few things going on–first let’s be clear. This is actually Meg’s issue to solve. It’s not her designer’s issue. It’s up to us to take responsibility for our success.

After some coaching, she realized something major that shifted EVERYTHING:

  • she hadn’t realized that her dreams were ACTUALLY possible (content that excited her immensely) and now that she did, she was absolutely committed to a larger project

And that’s how we got to this point for Meg where she’s texting me things like this. Previously, she told me she hated Instagram and hadn’t really been excited to write her newsletter or blog.


Inspiration and truth and excitement (and loads of value) are just pouring out of her.

Her investment was one bigger chunk versus little bits here and there.

Why did it work?

Because I got to dive so deep into her project, business, goals and her own passion that the content I helped her create was so unique to HER that it opened her creative floodgates.

It’s that simple.

Her investment allowed me to dive deep.

Her willingness to spend on something that would truly deliver huge value paid off in the first month. She made back her investment IMMEDIATELY.

Spreading your money (and time) between LOTS of stuff rather than a few very valuable things will get you the same back. You’ll have to do more when you pay less. If you have time and energy to spare that is totally fine. But if you don’t, you’re better off coaching yourself to a place where you save up or find a way to hire the people for the result you need, rather than look for discounts and lowest-cost-options.

Check out Meg’s Project


How to start thinking about– your first photoshoot.


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