Your superpower exists– but it might just be hiding under shame, fear or guilt.

My own superpower is helping people uncover theirs– and what I’ve come to find out is that so much of who we are is complicated and confused by negative emotion. The good news is there is a way to uncover it– and then get on with living a life at your highest purpose.


I know you want to begin living a life of more purpose. I know this because so many people say this to me. Whether that means changing jobs or leaving relationships or going out on your own the very first step is to find out why your superpower is hiding.

This is also true– you don’t have to change ANYTHING when you finally understand your superpower. It only means that you will live a more integrated life, and whatever actions you want to take from that are totally up to you.

I find that people are often so scared to do this work because they believe that finding out what’s most true about themselves will require that they blow up their life. It might. But the thing is that you become so much more in control of your own emotional landscape when you integrate your authentic self.

Over 2020 I was able to truly find myself. What people might not realize about me was that even through the running of a wildly successful business I still did not have peace or understanding of myself at a more source level.

But my desire to create has ALWAYS been so strong that I can do it without feeling secure. And that’s partially because I lived my life in trauma and fight-or-flight every single day. So taking risks felt like everyday life. Taking big risks at that point felt so similar to my every day that emotions never stopped me. And that’s the role of emotions. They regulate our actions. The move us forward or backward or stop us fully.

Mine were out of whack. In a way that benefitted my career but didn’t benefit my body.

In 2020 when I set my business down for a year, I picked up my emotional life.

THIS is where I want to tell you what I learned about superpowers.

They’re there.

But they’re often covered up by feelings. And that is totally dependent on who you are and the life you’ve lived.

Your purpose in life is meant to be freely accessible to you.

A life of obstacles (especially those that happened in childhood or caused trauma) break our connection with that purpose.

Why? Because the heart will put us in harm’s way. The heart knows that to live a life of purpose is not to stay in bed all day watching netflix. It’s going to involve getting out there in the world.

And if your brain has decided that so much of life is scary then it just will block you from taking that action.

This will manifest as–

  • confusion

  • fear

  • avoidance

  • overwhelm

  • anxiety

  • stress

When you are experiencing those emotions more than emotional freedom then all we need to do is understand the story your brain has created for you– and re-write it.

You’ll need to feel some emotions.

And then you’ll be able to let those stories go.

And re-integrate with your purpose. The one you were born with. Your superpower.

What you choose to do with that knowledge is up to you.

It’s exactly the work we do in Push Publish. We’re starting our first class in April and I want to help you uncover your own superpower and reintegrate that back into your self.




PUSH PUBLISH helps you see your current narrative and re-write a powerful new narrative that will help you get anything you want in life.

Sound intriguing?

If you think it sounds interesting, schedule a clarity call with me here and I can answer any questions you might have. Or just head over to


Creative Work– The Lucas Sisters.


Facts & Feelings– how to fight fairly.