A very common mistake early-stage entrepreneurs make when hiring consultants and coaches– plus four free email scripts to help you navigate hiring.

Starting a business is exciting, but it's easy to make mistakes, especially when it comes to hiring help. Many new women entrepreneurs try to save money by hiring the most affordable help they can find. This usually means hiring someone who's only slightly more skilled than they are, because these helpers are cheap due to their lack of experience or specialized skills. However, this approach can be a big mistake. Early on, you don't just need an extra pair of hands; you need someone with real expertise. You should aim to hire someone who knows a lot more than you do and who has the experience to justify their higher cost. This kind of expert help can truly make a difference in getting your business off the ground successfully.

Answer this first: is this person just taking work off your plate, or are they bringing the expertise that you don’t have (yet)?

When considering bringing someone into your burgeoning business, it's crucial to understand the distinction between hiring for hourly assistance versus hiring for a specific result. Paying someone by the hour often means you're bringing in help to tackle tasks you could do yourself but don't have the time for. This person will likely need direction from you, asking questions along the way and relying on your guidance to get the job done. It's a partnership where you're the leader, guiding the process and making decisions.

On the other hand, hiring an expert for a specific result shifts the dynamic. You're not paying for time; you're paying for a particular outcome based on their specialized skill set. This type of professional doesn't need you to micromanage each step. Instead, they bring their expertise to the table, managing their projects and making informed decisions within their domain. They're the captain of their ship, navigating through their tasks with confidence and bringing you the results you need.

Before you decide to hire, it's essential to ask yourself what you're truly looking for. Are you in need of a beginner who will cost less but require your guidance and direction? Or are you ready to invest in a professional whose expertise surpasses your own, someone who can deliver results without needing you to show the way? Understanding the difference and knowing what your business needs is key to making the right hiring decision.

Where do you want to coach yourself– around spending more money, or spending more time and energy?

In your entrepreneurial journey, you're going to face a choice that's really about how you want to grow, not just your business, but yourself too. Do you want to find a way to get the money to get the high-quality help you know can make a difference? Or do you prefer to keep a close eye on expenses, putting in more of your own time to guide and manage more affordable options? Either way is perfectly okay, but both paths are going to ask you to do some self-coaching, especially if you're dead set on reaching those big goals you've set for yourself and your business.

Here’s what you won’t get: a perfectly-priced option that exceeds your expectations and requires nothing from you. Why? Because what your (probably scarcity-based) brain will think you should spend (in time or money) will be much lower than what is actually doable for another human to make their OWN living. Remember, you might have some requirements but also other humans do, too. They have bills and desires and when you run your own business you KNOW that pricing has to be more expensive because the government is taking potentially 30% of your revenue. So in order to pay those bills and fund your life, your prices can’t be rock-bottom even if early-stage entrepreneurs want it to be. It’s just not feasible if you don’t want to spend your life hustling. And because I believe in supporting women to charge what they need, I personally don’t nickel and dime someone just because I am either short on cash or I have a brain that doesn’t want me to spend money.

If you're leaning towards spending more for top-notch help, it's about coaching yourself to look at your finances in a new light. It's about seeing this not just as an expense, but as an investment in your business's future—and in your vision. This choice might push you out of your financial comfort zone, but it's also an opportunity to really believe in the value that expert help can bring, helping you to grow faster and stronger.

On the flip side, if you're thinking of going with a more budget-friendly option, you'll be coaching yourself on how to make the most of what you've got. This means rolling up your sleeves, diving into the details, and guiding less experienced hands to do great work. It's a chance to develop patience, leadership, and the knack for stretching every dollar to its fullest.

Whichever path you choose, the key is to stay true to your goals and to be ready to grow along the way. This isn't just about the practical choice between spending money or time; it's about how you want to evolve as a leader and as a business owner. Will you rise to the challenge of managing a tight budget but still aiming high? Or will you take the leap, invest more, and fast-track your business's growth? Both routes require a bit of self-coaching, sure, but they're both steps towards becoming the savvy, successful entrepreneur you're meant to be.

Whatever you choose, treat yourself and others with integrity– THIS is how your business grows YOU. Remember, it’s not a flex to pay another human as little as you can just to show you can stick to a budget or get the best deal.

No matter which path you decide to take—investing more in expert help or making the most of a tighter budget—the most important thing is to approach your decision with integrity. Treat yourself with kindness and respect, acknowledging the courage it takes to make these tough choices and to steer your business in the direction you believe is right. Equally, treat those you hire with fairness and respect, valuing their time and contributions, regardless of the investment you're able to make in them. Remember, the foundation of any successful business is built on relationships grounded in trust and mutual respect. By leading with integrity, you not only set the stage for your business's success but also cultivate a culture that reflects your values and vision. In the end, how you grow your business and who you grow into as an entrepreneur will be a testament to the integrity with which you've navigated every step of your journey.


A simple, yet highly-valuable blog post format that is also in alignment with business goals.


In 2022, I became a Digital Nomad and my first stop was Turkey.