What stands in the way becomes the way.

What stands in the way becomes the way. This is a quote from stoic emperor Marcus Aurelius.

Here’s how I use it to help us overcome our own personal obstacles.

Imagine you're trying desperately to go somewhere amazing. And you finally get up the courage to say you're going. And as soon as you get of your driveway, there is a tree that fell blocking the only path you can take. What do you do?

Do you take it as as sign that you shouldn't be going anywhere? Some grand sign from the universe that your place is right there back at home, no matter what your heart said to you?

Do you despair? Going into an emotional turmoil about how terrible and unfair this is that it happened to you? Do you then spend your days angry at that tree for ruining everything?

Or, do you decide to see this obstacle and overcome it? Do you get out of the car and examine the situation clearly, figure out if you have the resources and strength to DIY move it yourself? Or maybe you ask for help. Or even call a specialist. But the truth remains that you are going forward. Sure, you must now deal with this tree, but that doesn't mean anything really. It just means that there is a world. And trees fall. Trees aren't falling to thwart you or your plans. They're just being themselves. 

Many people use the "trees" of the world to justify going back into the house and giving up on their dream. 

Just substitute:

  • fear

  • financial instability 

  • unwillingness to take risk

  • lack of ideas

  • too many ideas 

  • confusion 

as the trees. 

If you encountered Fear blocking you, would you:

  • Take that as a sign to turn around?

  • Be upset and emotional and think life is unfair?

  • Or–Take a good look at that Fear. Understand it. Ask for help. Maybe bring in a specialist to help remove it from your path?

If you encountered financial instability blocking you, would you:

  • Take that as a sign to turn around?

  • Be upset and emotional and think life is unfair?

  • Or–Take a good look at it. Understand it. Ask for help. Maybe bring in a specialist to help remove it from your path?

If you encountered your own unwillingness to take a risk blocking you, would you:

  • Take that as a sign to turn around?

  • Be upset and emotional and think life is unfair?

  • Or–Take a good look at it. Understand it. Ask for help. Maybe bring in a specialist to help remove it from your path?

If you encountered your own Lack of Ideas blocking you, would you:

  • Take that as a sign to turn around?

  • Be upset and emotional and think life is unfair?

  • Or–Take a good look at it. Understand it. Ask for help. Maybe bring in a specialist to help remove it from your path?

If you encountered your own Overabundance of Ideas blocking you, would you:

  • Take that as a sign to turn around?

  • Be upset and emotional and think life is unfair?

  • Or–Take a good look at it. Understand them. Ask for help. Maybe bring in a specialist to help remove that from your path?

If you encountered Confusion blocking you, would you:

  • Take that as a sign to turn around?

  • Be upset and emotional and think life is unfair?

  • Or–Take a good look at it. Understand what causes confusion in you. Ask for help. Maybe bring in a specialist to help remove confusion from your path?

What stands in the way becomes the way, whatever it is. 


Get help to identify and thoughtfully remove your obstacles–and if you’re not more clear after our call, you get your money back.


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